Monday, January 14, 2013

Long hear from....

So, here I am.  a long time later, and not much closer to finishing.  So, this year is when I get serious.  Ha ha, heard that before!  Lot of changes and starts, finishes, and failures.

I have done the writing challenge for two years in a row, not making it to the required 50K words yet.  I will try that again in October, and hope by then I will be dedicated enough to follow through.

I have decided to change a few things.  Right now I am working on a webinar and 'plan' to help people be healthier.  I get a lot of comment and questions on this on a daily basis as a massage therapist.   Since I have a degree in nutrition, it is a topic of conversation that goes a round a lot.  This will be a new venture for me, I am sure I will be learning a lot about making stuff available online over the next 12 months!

One of my other changes, is to partner with a friend and we are going to co-write our first story. She is one who we talk about writing and the ideas we have and then it goes nowhere.  I can write, when I make myself sit down and do it, I just tend to get 'stuck' on occasion.  It will be an interesting collaboration which should also be a lot of fun.

So, here goes!  Welcome to 2013 and a toast to new starts and fun time!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let's get this party started!

Hello and thanks for checking me out!  I have decided the ideas running around in my head need to find an outlet, so here I go!  This is going to be my outlet, help, sounding board and whatever else I need in my quest to write my first book.  I figure either a great astounding sucess, or ....actually, there is no 'OR', so here is to GREATNESS!